Max Lucado - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus
On Monday afternoon we had our first Bible study with the people in the homeless ministry. Amber and I expected about three to four people to show up, but by the end of the Bible study there was ten people, not including us white people :)
Everyone was really excited to talk and share life stories and experiences!
Amber came with print outs from the book, so that everyone can write their answers out.
God was honored by these people, sitting down and just sharing what He does in their lives, even when they didn't realize it was Him! I was very impressed with how many of the people wanted to sit down and read!!!
Closing prayer! After the prayer, since so many were in attendance and we had such a good response with lots of feed back and lots of comments we asked if they would like to have more then one meeting a week to sit down and study. They all agreed that they wanted two gathering times a week! God is always, always Faithful!!!
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