It gives me great joy and pleasure to know that even in Honduras we serve the same mighty and powerful God. The God that allows us to see poverty in its worst times, yet at the same time, the God that allows us to see his beauty and gentleness in a child. A child sitting in a puddle of parasite infested waters.
Matthew 5:14-16 calls us to be a light to the entire world. Matthew 25:31-46 tells us to serve those who need to be served, in the name of Christ. Since 2002, I have been coming here to Honduras serving the Lord, showing people my light for Christ. I knew at the end of my trip in 2002, that this day would come, I just didn’t realize God’s plan until now. Until I have seen it unfolding before my eyes.
After spending my winter, spring and now summer breaks here in Honduras; I know that God is calling me to complete His ministry here, through me. God is the master craftsman, and He has been molding my skills and knowledge and now He is ready for me to be a light to the people here in Honduras. He has moved my heart to see the vast need here in this country.
The children on the mountains are constantly in need of medical help. Most families cannot even afford simple Tylenol for a fever. Our TORCH teams come in during the summers and give out medicines, but what they get when they see the doctor, last only for a few months. I want to be able to create a system that would allow me to go into a community and allow me to give people the medication they need, year round. Once I get well established in the mountain communities, I want people to be able to contact me, if there is an emergency, or a dire need of some type. Almost all of the communities that TORCH works in, are not accessible to emergency vehicles. I feel as if God wants me to be there for these people, when they need help the most. During my trip to Honduras in December, I was in Nuevo Oriental where I have lots of families that I have grown to love. One family has five children and a mother. Their father was active in the children’s lives, but two weeks prior to me coming he was killed in an accident. The family was not able to go to see the father, have a funeral or get closer, because they didn’t have any way of obtaining the body. I want to be able to help in circumstances like these. I feel as is God is calling me to be there, when they need physical help the most.
Something else that God has placed on my heart, are the children that walk around the streets of Tegucigalpa, begging for money and food each night. Once or twice a month, I want to be able to have a street party for the children. I want to be able to buy 100 pizzas and give every child two slices of pizza and a coke. Since we would most likely be seeing the same children on a regular basis my hope and prayer, would be that they wouldn’t need to “work the streets” as much. Moreover, I would like to have a doctor, once every month or so, come out with us and examine the children. Check them for parasites and just make sure that they are physically healthy. Once you bond with a person and learn more about them, you seem to be able to find more ways to help them.
I suppose the most impacting thing that God has opened my eyes to this summer, is the dump. Could you imagine living in the dump in Melbourne? The dump of Tegucigalpa is hideous. People are digging through trash, trash that has already been gone through by dogs, mice, rats, maggots. Just imagine a dump truck pulls up, full of trash and see people flock to it like its money. They run and as the trash is being dumped, they start digging through, as to not miss a thing. They are picking through the trash, separating plastic from paper, rotten vegetables from rotten fruit. Most of the men walking around are high off of glue that they have been huffing. It has been said, that once you start huffing glue, you have about four years until you kill most of the brain cells inside your head, and become a vegetable. I want the other people of Honduras to realize what is happening, right in their own country.
My love for medical help to the poor hasn’t died. God has given me a great respect for treating and working with children that need medical assistance. God has allowed me to meet a lady here in Honduras that runs an organization that sends children born with hydrocephalus to the states to have shunts implanted to help the fluid drain off the brain. Also, children in Honduras get burned more easily due to the fact that most families cook with an open flame. This organization helps the burn patients as well. God has allowed me to meet with this organization and I hope to continue finding resources in the states to help the children that need it the most.
God has allowed Jennifer Wright, Samantha Butterfield, and I to foresee something that could be so great. We envision a community of people who cannot afford food, clothes, shelter, or an education; God has instilled in us something great for the least of his people. We want to create a community where people can live, eat in a common dining hall, and during the day be learning a trade of some type. We want to have an automobile shop that teaches the fathers and young men how to work on cars. A place where women can learn to sew, cook, and possibly even a hair solon. We will have a bi-lingual school on the property as well, so that their children can be educated, thus hopefully, breaking the cycle of poverty in the lives of that family. Along with this vision, God has given us aspiration to operate a children’s home on the property as well in the future. The children from the home would attend the same school as the children from the community, as well as eat in the same common area. God has given me a special place in my heart for children that have been abused, so we would accept the worst of the worst, to help change them. After working with children at Casa De Esperanza, we haves all realized that most Children’s homes don’t want to deal with the children who have special needs. We believe God wants us to be that Home for those children.
Overall, God has showed me that if we as humans form bonds and connections, we can impact more people, at the same time. There are several organizations that I want to connect with each other, so that in the long run, we can all work together and become untied and help the poor and needy of Honduras.
God has placed Honduras on my heart for the past seven years. I have served both state side and in the country itself, and now I am ready to serve full time within the country. The time is now; God is calling me here to serve the least of his people, here in Honduras. Will you help me in this endeavor? Attached you will find my budget report for my first year starting August 1st, 2008.
I pray that you can see the flame that burns deep within my heart for the people of Honduras. I pray that God moves your heart, and that you see my passion, and how great it is for His kingdom!
In Him,
Ministry Money : $500.00 (money to spend on the poor and needy, when the need arises)
Transportation: $500.00 (car payment, insurance, gasoline/diesel)
Housing: $300.00 (Room and board, and utilities)
Medication: $300.00 (Medication for the poor and need on the mountains)
Living Expenses $300.00 (Food, and misc.)
Subtotal: $2,000
Total monthly expenses: $2,100 ($100 for overhead expenses because people always need help)
If I can get 100 people to sponsor me monthly for only $21 a month, ($252 for a year), I will be able to serve the people in Honduras more effectively for the next year.
Please detach the bottom piece of this paper and indicate if you are willing to sponsor me finically through my journey in Christ, serving the people of Honduras.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me:
E-mail: or
Phone: (US) (321)-403-3173 or Honduras 011-504-3296-7444
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