Since deciding to move to Honduras three months ago, my faith in the Lord has increased traumatically. God has shown me to rely solely on him, and showing me that he is faithful thru and thru. God has shown us as a group our mission and our purpose for being here, while also showing us our own personal missions. Below you will find a summary of our Board Meeting the other day and ways you can help! We plan on working with each other, to help achieve higher and more effective ways to serve the people of Honduras, while showing them the face of Christ.
Sam plans on working with the people in the dump more effectively. God has given her aspersions to help take the people out of that situation. In previous discussions Jen, Sam and I have talked about creating a community where people can come and live for a period of time. The people would be able to attend a Church, have three meals a day, children will be educated and more importantly the parents or adults living in the community will be taught a trade of some sort, that way they can go out and provide for their families. I say all that, to say, we feel as if God wants us to take small amounts of people, about ten families every eight to nine months and bring them into our “compound” and allow them the opportunity to better themselves and the future of their family, while serving and learning about the Lord we all serve.
God has placed hurting people in my heart. He has given me the heart to care for the sick, needy and abandoned. My plan is to create something like a store or supply center inside the state run hospital, Hospital Escuela. The poor and needy of Honduras travel for hours to come to this horrible hospital to receive the worst of the worst medical care. Please do not miss understand me, most of the doctors and nurses there are caring and loving, but the hospital itself does not have the means of supplying medications, surgical supplies or even just basic necessities a hospital should have such as IV tape. Within the supply center I want to be able to offer people all the necessary items that their family members would need for free or at a reduced low cost rate; from everything such as tape, to medications, to surgical supplies for the doctors. Along with helping people with material items, I believe that this is a great way to introduce people to Christ. We will offer spiritual guidance to families and information about churches in their area.
Jennifer plans on working with the kids at Casistis Kennedy. These kids are taken off of the streets and put here, before they are placed into a child’s home. God has placed the kids of Honduras on Jennifer’s heart, and she yearns to form relationships and bonds with the teenage girls at Casistis. God has also placed a community in Santa Ana on her heart. She has aspirations to dig wells that would supply clean drinking water to the community there. If these wells are successful, we will start implementing them in our TORCH homes that we build during the summers. They are very affordable, only costing about $50 total.
As a group we will be working with other organizations throughout Honduras, helping the street children. Currently, we are working on establishing a relationship with USAID and UNICEF to help in an effort to help the street kids of Honduras. The children of this country break all our hearts and we hope and pray that God opens more doors to help in better ways.God has blessed us with enough money to feed at the dump two times already, send some medical supplies to Hospital Escuela, donate 50 blankets to a clinic for street kids, work with other missionary families, join a church that preaches in English on Sunday evenings and learn the ropes about starting a new ministry. We have been able to help at a children’s home in a remote part of Honduras and serve in the mountain communities. God has allowed us to donate two computers to Cadena De Amor and we are anticipating on donating ten more to a local public school! God has shown us each our own personal missions as well as our mission(s) as a whole.
God is working in our ministry. He is opening doors left and right to serve the people here!!! Thank you for continuing to support me in serving the people of Honduras!
Currently our plans are costing more than expected. Also, our car stopped going in reverse. We need a new transmission and it is more costly than in the states. Since we know it will take months to get the parts in and things like that from the states, and our ministries are going to start exploding soon, we are in need of another car. For a decent reliable vehicle, we project that we would need somewhere between $5,000 and $7,000. We plan on purchasing a more cost effective vehicle; that will serve dual purposes. We have looked into purchasing a Toyota FJ Land Cruiser (an older model) for $5,000 from some friends here. Purchasing a Toyota or something similar would be best, so that we have the opportunity to have it fix faster and cheaper.
Please take the time to pray and ask God how you can help. We are praying that God opens doors within the next couple of weeks, because we need to take our Suburban into the shop before it gets worse and creates more problems.
Thank you for your prayers, support and love for the people of this country.